Bailey Anderson

15 Bailey Anderson

  • Birth Date:
    May 1, 1997
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Year:
  • Hometown:
    Salt Lake City, Utah
  • High School:
  • Position:
  • Major:
    Athletic Training

Bailey Anderson played basketball and softball at Olympus High in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her high school stats included 109 games played with 9 home runs and 31 doubles from the plate, and was 5-0 from the pitching circle.

Other High School Activities or Honors: Kiwanis Club Award of Excellence.

Hobbies: Playing the guitar and writing.

Describe Yourself in Three Words: Passionate, Sarcastic.

If You Could Live the Life of a Person From History, Who Would It Be? Clelia Duel Mosher because she was one of the first female physicians.

What Sport That Your High School Didn't Offer That You Would Like To Have Played: Dodgeball because I am really good at dodgeball.

If You Could Be An Animal, What Would You Be? A bird because I could fly into concerts for free.

What Is The Most Memorable Sportsmanship Happening That You Experienced or Saw? The classic carry-the-girl-around-the-bases is really teh only one that comes to mind.

Food -- Pasta
Drink -- Brisk Peach Green Tea
Easting Establishment -- Greek City Mall
TV Show -- The Office
Vacation Spot -- Las Vegas
Sports Team -- Dallas Cowboys

Food -- Celery
Drink -- Orange Juice
TV Show -- Prison Break
Sports Team -- New England Patriots